Newsletter newsletter for July 2011

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The following information was added to the website during the month of July.

PowerPivot News

- July 12, 2011 - Microsoft released SQL Server code name 'Denali' PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel CTP3

PowerPivot Posts

- Distinct Count in PowerPivot v2 - MUCH Faster
- DAX Queries, Part 4
- Fast Prototyping with PowerPivot
- Installing and using PowerPivot for Excel in Denali CTP
- PowerPivot Denali - Upgrading from SQL Server 2008 R2 and KPIs
- PowerPivot - Diagram View
- The Diagram is here.
- TOPN in PowerPivot V2
- Tabular Parent/Child Dimensions: SumOfLeaves and the CALCULATE wall
- Dynamic security in SQL Denali PowerPivot CTP3
- PowerPivot Denali new DAX function to rank (RANKX)
- PowerPivot Denali: Parent child using DAX
- DAX Queries, Part 3
- DAX Queries, Part 2
- DAX Queries, Part 1
- Adding Values to Rows and Columns
- PowerPivot Denali: Working with multiple relationships between two tables
- KPI's in PowerPivot Denali (SQL Denali CTP3)
- PowerPivot drillthrough in Denali CTP3
- Powerpivot CTP3: What is new for Time Intelligence functions
- Denali PowerPivot: new DAX functions that will make your life easier
- PowerPivot V2 CTP3!
- Quartile, Percentile and Median in PowerPivot
- Creating a Stock Ticker View for Performance Data in PowerPivot
- Calculating moving averages in DAX
- Median calculation in PowerPivot / DAX
- Running Totals Without a Traditional Calendar Table

And thank you for rating the articles!

Posts over last month

The following information was added to our website during last month:

And thank you for rating the articles!


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